Ownership Breakdown
The capital stock is composed of 206,489,813 common shares.
Shareholders | Number of Shares | % |
Controlling shareholders | 69,688,952 | 33.7% |
Management | 136,760 | 0.1% |
Treasury | 20,781 | 0.0% |
Free Float | 136,643,320 | 66.2% |
Westwood | 11,147,920 | 5.4% |
Canada Pension Plan | 10,464,387 | 5.1% |
Others | 115,031,013 | 55.7% |
Total | 206,489,813 | 100.00% |
This information is available in more detail in item 6 of the Company’s Reference Form.
Any person, company or group of people acting together or representing the same interest that acquires or disposes either direct or indirect participation corresponding to 5% (five percent) or more in type or class of shares representing the capital of a publicly held company, shall inform the company about the equity holding change, according to the Brazilian Securities Law.