Councils, Committes and Board
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall be comprised of a minimum of seven (7) and a maximum of eleven (11) members, either resident in Brazil or not, who may be elected and rem oved at any time by the Company’s General Meeting, with a unified term of office of two (2) years, reelection permitted.
Pursuant to the Novo Mercado Rules, to Annex K to CVM Resolution No. 80, and to the Bylaws as approved under the Bylaws Amendment process, a minimum of two (2) or twenty (20) percent of the members of the Board of Directors, whichever is greater, shall be characterized as independent members.
The Board of Directors is currently comprised of nine (9) members:
Name | Role | Mandate | First Election |
Pedro Pullen Parente | Chairman (Independent Member) | AUG 2026 | 2024 |
Mr. Pedro Parente has a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering degree from Brasília University, 1976. He has 53 years of professional experience, 31 of which as federal civil servant and 22 in the private sector. He was COO of Grupo RBS (2003-2009), CEO of Bunge in Brasil (2010-2014), CEO of Petrobras (2018-2018), CEO of BRF (2018-2019) and senior partner at Private Equity Manager EB Capital (2019-2024). As a federal civil servant, he held several positions in economic ministries, including Executive Secretary of the Ministry of FInance (1995- 1998) and Cabinet Member (1999-2002). A former consultant to the International Monetary Fund and public-sector entities in Brazil, including State Bureaus and the National Constitutional Assembly of 1988. He has extensive experience as a member of private- and public-sector companies’ boards of directors, both as a member and as chairman. It is worth emphasizing, as member: Embraer, Itaipu Binacional, Suzano, BMF&Bovespa, Duratex, Kroton, Prumo, and Continental Grain Company. He also chaired the Boards of Directors of B3, CPFL, Petrobras and BRF. Is currently a member of the Global Board of Syngenta, chairman of the Board of Vast-Infraestrutura, chairman of the Board of EB Capital. Also pro-bono chairman of the Board of Directors of Fundação OSESP, which is responsible for managing the São Paulo Symphony. |
Anna Andrea Votta Alves Chaia | Vice Chairman (Independent Member) | AUG 2026 | 2024 |
Ms. Anna Chaia has a Bachelor of Marketing degree from Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM), with a post-graduate Business Administration degree from Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV). She completed the General Management Program of the Harvard Business School, having been an alumna since 2001, and the corporate Governance Program of Columbia University. She us currently a member of the Retail Committee of Madeira Madeira, an online household goods platform. Since 2019, she has served as a mentor for Endeavor startups in South America, having advised more than 50 companies. She is a member of the Scale-up Panel, which selects potential participant companies for the Acceleration Program. With more than 30 years’ experience, Ms. Anna Chaia was a board member at PuraVida (2020-2022) and Vivara (2019-2024), Samsonite’s CEO for the Mercosur region (2015-2019) and CEO of L’Occitane (2009-2012). She was also formerly with Natura (1997-2004), the Whirlpool Corporation (2004-2006), Swarovski (2007-2009), Unilever (1993-1997) and American Express (1989-1993). Former Director and member of the People and Management Committee of ZAMP (ZAMP3) (holder of the Burger King, Popeyes and Starbucks master franchises in Brazil) in 2020-2023. Independent member of Espaço Laser’s Board of Directors in 2021-2022. |
Alexandre Café Birman | Board Member | AUG 2026 | 2017 |
Mr. Alexandre Birman has a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from FUMEC at Belo Horizonte and a member of the Owners and President Management Program of the Harvard Business School, Boston, USA. Founder of four brands in the Arezzo&Co Portfolio – Schutz, Alexandre Birman and ALME – Mr. Alexandre Birman has been Arezzo&Co’s CEO since 2013, has over 25 years’ experience in the footwear market, and is responsible for the internationalization of the company’s operations. Mr. Birman was awarded the 2008 Vivian Infantino Emerging Talent Award; Footwear News Achievement category. He was named “Top 10 Designer 2012” by Footwear News; has been a member of the CFDA (Council of Fashion Designers of America) since 2013, and has been named FFANY (Fashion Footwear Association of NY) “Designer of The Year” in 2017. |
Roberto Luiz Jatahy Gonçalves | Board Member | AUG 2026 | 2024 |
Mr. Roberto Jatahy has a Bachelor of Economics degree from the Rio de Janeiro Catholic University. Co-founded the Animale brand with Ms. Claudia Jatahy in 1991. In 2010, Mr. Roberto Jatahy ran the acquisition process for Animale’s equity stake in Farm, and led the creation of Companhia Grupo de Moda SOMA, where he has been CEO since 2010. In 2020, he led the IPO for Grupo de Moda SOMA, where he is also a Director and member of the Brands Committee. He is the only Brazilian named in the 2023 Business of Fashion listing. |
Edison Ticle de Andrade Melo e Souza Filho | Independent Board Member | AUG 2026 | 2024 |
Mr. Edison Ticle has Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) and attended the Economics program at Universidade de São Paulo (USP). He has a Master of Economics degree from FGV and and MBA degree in Business Economics from USP. In 2022, he completed the Advanced Management Program (AMP) of the Harvard Business School. Mr. Edison Ticle has extensive experience in the financial and business market. His career began in 1999 at BTG Pactual, where he was for six years. He was Senior Portfolio Manager at Constellation Asset Management (2004-2005) and at Black River Gestão de Investimentos (which belongs to Cargill) (2005-2007). In 2007, he joined Banco Safra, where he served as Head Treasurer and Head of the Proprietary Trading area. In February 2009, Edison Ticle joined Minerva Foods, and has been its Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer since April 2010. Mr. Edison Ticle is also currently an independent board member at Grupo Soma – the owner of the Animale and Farm brands; and independent board member at Aeris Energy, the largest manufacturer of wind turbine fans in Latin America, where he let the entire IPO process that the company held in 2020; and and independent board member at the TC Traders Club platform, having led its IPO in 2021. He was also a member of the founding partners team of C6 Bank. |
Guilherme Dias Fernandes Benchimol | Board Member | AUG 2026 | 2024 |
Mr. Guilherme Benchimol has a Bachelor of Business Economics degree from UFRJ. Mr. Guilherme Benchimol became chairman of the Board of Directors of XP Inc in August 2019 and holds the position to this day. Mr. Benchimol has more than 20 years’ experience in the financial services market. He founded XP in 2001 and was its CEO until May 2021. Mr. Benchimol also served on the board of XP Brasil as chairman of the Board of Directors from August 2018 to November 2019. |
Ruy Kameyama | Board Member | AUG 2026 | 2024 |
Mr. Ruy Kameyama has a Bachekor of Economics degree from IBMEC-RJ and an MBA from the Harvard Business School. Mr. Ruy Kameyama has extensive experience in the retail and property (shopping malls) industries, mergers and acquisitions, and management of publicly traded companies, having served at BRMalls as CEO (2017-2023), Chief Operations Officer (2008-2017), and M&A Manager (2007). Mr. Ruy Kameyama was also with the new business area at Spoleto Franchising (2005-2006), and with investment bank Dresdner Kleinwort (1998 a 2002). Former member of the Managing Board of Abrasce (Associação Brasileira de Shopping Centers) (2009-2023). Former member of the Board of Directors of Grupo Soma (2023-2024). |
Sylvia de Souza Leão Wanderley | Board Member | AUG 2026 | 2024 |
Ms. Sylvia Leão has a Bachelor of Social Communication Degree and an Executive MBA in Administration from COPPEAD- UFRJ, as well as specialization courses at MIT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology – Sloan School of Management, the London Business School, and Fundação Dom Cabral. Ms. Sylvia Leão has been in the retail market for more than 30 years, having served at Walmart Brasil (1995-1999), Grupo Pão de Açúcar (2000-2012) and Carrefour (2015-2018), where she served as VP in the Marketing, Commercial, Operations and Human Resources areas. She was also VP of Marketing and Innovation at BRF (2013-2014). Ms. Sylvia Leão was a member of the Boards of Directors of Vivara (2020-2023), of Grupo Baumgart (2020-2023), of JSL (2022-2024). Ms. Sylvia Leão has been a member of the Board of Directors of RD Saúde (Raia Drogasil) since 2020, where she also heads the People Committee and is a member of the Strategy, Sustainability, and Audit/Risks Committees. She has also been a member of the Board of Directors and the head of the People and Organizational Development Committee of Química Amparo Ltda (YPE) since 2021. Currently a member of the Boards of Directors of Petz and of Grupo Moura Baterias. |
José Ernesto Beni Bolonha | Board Member | AUG 2026 | 2013 |
Mr. José Ernesto Bolonha has Bachelor, Licensee and Post-Graduate degrees in Psychology and Business Administration from the São Paulo Catholic University (PUC-SP) and Mackenzie University, with extension courses at the Bowling Green State University (Ohio, USA) and University of Kalamazoo (Michigan, USA). Mr. José Ernesto Bolonha is a guest lecturer at FDC – Fundação Dom Cabral for its Shareholder Development (PDA), Leaders Development (PDL) and Board Members Development (PDC) Programs, and a giest lecturer at St. Paul Business School for its BOard Members Training programs. Member of Insper’s Outside Evaluation Commission and of the Bandeirantes School’s “Strategic Innovation Center”, both in São Paulo. Also a guest lecturer at a Université de Geneve, Freie Universität Berlin, São Paulo University and FGV – Fundação Getulio Vargas. Mr. José Ernesto Bolonha has served as a member of the boards of directors of Vivara (2019-2020), Construtora Conx (2018-2024) and Colégio Santa Cruz (1995-2004). Currently chairs the Board of Directors of Arezzo&Co and holds a seat in the Boards of Directors of Almar – Grupo Martins Tribanco, Grupo Cordeiro, Civi-Co. Founder of “Ethos Sharewoods”, in São Paulo. |
Fiscal Council
The current composition of the Company’s Fiscal Council:
Name | Role | Mandate | First Election |
Martin da Silva Gesto | Sitting Member | AUG 2026 | 2018 |
Bachelor’s degree in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, PhD – Department of Financial, Economic and Tax Law, from University of São Paulo, Master’s degree in Law from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul. |
João Luiz Trindade Telles da Silva | Sitting Member | AUG 2026 | 2019 |
Business Administrator (CRA / RS 33731) and Bachelor of Science in Accounting (PUCRS) with knowledge in Production Engineering, Corporate Finance, Controllership and Corporate Law. He has been a consultant of the Restructuring and Performance Nucleus since 2006, of which he is a founding partner. Career consolidated through the management of companies in financial crisis, where he served as Executive responsible for the process of Corporate Reorganization and Consultant, standing out in the areas of: Civil Construction, Industrial Automation, Aviation, Textiles and Food. Among the main activities, the creation and participation of boards and Administration and Management groups at the operational, tactical and strategic levels stands out; Development support of Mergers and Aquisitions from the accounting, administrative and negotiating point of view; Negotiation and elaboration of strategies with Stakeholders; internal and external conduction of restructuring projects, targeting and implementation of tools and conduits linked to the company’s management; Crisis management and Development of new sources of resources. |
Ricardo Gus Maltz | Sitting Member | AUG 2026 | 2018 |
Master in Business Management by FGV-EBAPE RJ, post-graduate and MBA in Finance and Business Management by FGV-EPGE and Strategic Marketing by Insper, graduated in Economics from PUCRS. |
Tiago Rego de Lima | Alternate Member | AUG 2026 | 2024 |
Mr. Rego de Lima has a Bachelor of Accounting Sciences degree from UNISINOS and a post-graduate degree in Business Finance from UNIRITTER. From 2003 to 2010, he served as an Auditing Trainee, Internal Auditor and Auditing Projects Coordinator at Lojas Renner S.A. From 2010 to a 2013, we was Audit Coordinator at Forjas Taurus S.A. From 2013 to 2014, he was processes and controls manager at C&A Modas. From 2015 to 2016, he was Internal Audit and Loss prevention coordinator at Grupo Dimed. From 2016 to 2018, he was Auditing and Operations Officer at ATAC Assessoria Técnica em Alimentação Coletiva. From 2019 to 2022, he was a member of the Eligibility Committee and a full member of the Statutory Audit Committee of CEEE, one of the largest state-owned companies in Rio Grande do Sul. Mr. Rego de Lima is currently a court expert and a partner at Núcleo Reestruturação e Performance, a consulting firm that specializes in the recovery of businesses in crisis and in increasing profitability and returns |
Valmor Leandro Biason | Alternate Member | AUG 2026 | 2019 |
Mr. Valmor Leandro Biason has a Bachelor of Laws degree from FEEVALE and a Bachelor of Accounting and Business Administration degree from FACCAT. Mr. Biason has for more than 25 years led BIASON ASSESSORIA EMPRESARIAL, a legal and accounting services firm, where Mr. Biason provides advisory and consulting services to the largest manufacturing companies in the Sinos Valley region. Legal advisor and consultant to Associação Brasileira das Indústrias de Componentes para Calçados ASSINTECAL and tax advisory to Associação Brasileira das Indústrias de Calçados ABICALÇADOS. Former member of the Legal Committee – CONJUR of ACI/NH for 6 years. Also delivers lectures in the tax domain. |
Vinícius de Azambuja Franco | Alternate Member | AUG 2026 | 2019 |
Mr. Vinícius de Azambuja Franco has a Bachelor of Legal and Social Sciences from the Rio Grande do Sul Catholic University (PUCRS) and a Post-Graduate degree in Tax Law from the Federal University at Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Mr. Vinícius Franco has for more than a decade led Taxcon Consultoria Tributária Empresarial, in Rio Grande do Sul. He was also a member of Martinelli Advocacia Empresarial for more than two years, and previously worked at the Rio Grande do Sul Court of Appeals (TJRS) for more than five years, in addition to other internship experiences before graduating. |
Statutary Board
The Company’s board of executive officers is composed of at least two, and a maximum of ten, members, shareholders or not, who are elected and may be removed at any time by the board of directors (overlapping roles permitted).
The current composition of the Company’s board of executive officers:
Name | Role | Mandate | First Election |
Alexandre Café Birman | Chief Executive Officer | AUG 2026 | 05/19/2021 |
Mr. Alexandre Birman has a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from FUMEC at Belo Horizonte and a member of the Owners and President Management Program of the Harvard Business School, Boston, USA. Founder of four brands in the Arezzo&Co Portfolio – Schutz, Alexandre Birman and ALME – Mr. Alexandre Birman has been Arezzo&Co’s CEO since 2013, has over 25 years’ experience in the footwear market, and is responsible for the internationalization of the company’s operations. Mr. Birman was awarded the 2008 Vivian Infantino Emerging Talent Award; Footwear News Achievement category. He was named “Top 10 Designer 2012” by Footwear News; has been a member of the CFDA (Council of Fashion Designers of America) since 2013, and has been named FFANY (Fashion Footwear Association of NY) “Designer of The Year” in 2017. |
Roberto Luiz Jatahy Gonçalves | Women´s Clothing Business Unit Officer | AUG 2026 | 08/01/2024 |
Mr. Roberto Jatahy has a Bachelor of Economics degree from the Rio de Janeiro Catholic University. Co-founded the Animale brand with Ms. Claudia Jatahy in 1991. In 2010, Mr. Roberto Jatahy ran the acquisition process for Animale’s equity stake in Farm, and led the creation of Companhia Grupo de Moda SOMA, where he has been CEO since 2010. In 2020, he led the IPO for Grupo de Moda SOMA, where he is also a Director and member of the Brands Committee. He is the only Brazilian named in the 2023 Business of Fashion listing. |
Rafael Sachete da Silva | Chief Financial, Corporate and Investor Relations Officer | AUG 2026 | 05/19/2021 |
Mr. Rafael Sachete joined Arezzo&Co in 2004, where he worked, for most of this period, in the Company’s financial and corporate areas. He held the positions of Finance/Treasury Manager and General Manager, leading Finance, Legal, Tax and Accounting of Arezzo&Co. Between 2013 and 2014, he was responsible for the implementation of the SAP system. Rafael holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law and a MBA in Finance from Fundação Getúlio Vargas. Currently he also is Director of ABLAC (Brazilian Association of Artifacts and Footwear Retailers). |
Thiago Hering | Officer without specific designation | AUG 2026 | 08/01/2024 |
Mr Thiago Hering has a Bachelor degree in Law from the São Paulo Catholic University, and worked as a lawer at the Machado Meyer office. More than 15 years ago, decided to move to the retail sector. Thiago was manager of 10 franchises operations of Hering brand, before assuming as Brands Director in 2018, and later, Executive Director of Operations, a position he held between 2019 and 2021, being responsible for managing the brands and channels of the company. In April 2021, Thiago assumes the position of Chief Executive Officer of Cia. Hering and after the businessess combination with Grupo SOMA and Arezzo&Co, continues as CEO of Hering business unit. |
Statutory Audit Committee
The current composition of the Statutory Audit Committee is as follows:
Name | Role | Mandate | First Election |
Edison Ticle de Andrade Melo e Souza Filho | Coordinator | AUG 2026 | 2024 |
Mr. Edison Ticle has Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) and attended the Economics program at Universidade de São Paulo (USP). He has a Master of Economics degree from FGV and and MBA degree in Business Economics from USP. In 2022, he completed the Advanced Management Program (AMP) of the Harvard Business School. Mr. Edison Ticle has extensive experience in the financial and business market. His career began in 1999 at BTG Pactual, where he was for six years. He was Senior Portfolio Manager at Constellation Asset Management (2004-2005) and at Black River Gestão de Investimentos (which belongs to Cargill) (2005-2007). In 2007, he joined Banco Safra, where he served as Head Treasurer and Head of the Proprietary Trading area. In February 2009, Edison Ticle joined Minerva Foods, and has been its Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer since April 2010. Mr. Edison Ticle is also currently an independent board member at Grupo Soma – the owner of the Animale and Farm brands; and independent board member at Aeris Energy, the largest manufacturer of wind turbine fans in Latin America, where he let the entire IPO process that the company held in 2020; and and independent board member at the TC Traders Club platform, having led its IPO in 2021. He was also a member of the founding partners team of C6 Bank. |
Sylvia de Souza Leão Wanderley | Sitting Member | AUG 2026 | 2024 |
Ms. Sylvia Leão has a Bachelor of Social Communication Degree and an Executive MBA in Administration from COPPEAD- UFRJ, as well as specialization courses at MIT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology – Sloan School of Management, the London Business School, and Fundação Dom Cabral. Ms. Sylvia Leão has been in the retail market for more than 30 years, having served at Walmart Brasil (1995-1999), Grupo Pão de Açúcar (2000-2012) and Carrefour (2015-2018), where she served as VP in the Marketing, Commercial, Operations and Human Resources areas. She was also VP of Marketing and Innovation at BRF (2013-2014). Ms. Sylvia Leão was a member of the Boards of Directors of Vivara (2020-2023), of Grupo Baumgart (2020-2023), of JSL (2022-2024). Ms. Sylvia Leão has been a member of the Board of Directors of RD Saúde (Raia Drogasil) since 2020, where she also heads the People Committee and is a member of the Strategy, Sustainability, and Audit/Risks Committees. She has also been a member of the Board of Directors and the head of the People and Organizational Development Committee of Química Amparo Ltda (YPE) since 2021. Currently a member of the Boards of Directors of Petz and of Grupo Moura Baterias. |
Patricia Regina Verderesi Schindler | Sitting Member | AUG 2026 | 2024 |
Ms. Patricia Regina Verderesi Schindler holds a degree in Business Administration and Finance from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo – PUC/SP, and an MBA in Finance from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. She served as Latin America Regional Risk Director and Senior Credit & Risk Analysis Director at Citigroup (2001 to 2008). She was also the Risk Director and Executive Superintendent at Banco Safra (2008 to 2010). Additionally, she acted as Managing Director for Latin America and Canada and Risk Director at J.P. Morgan (2010 to 2020). Ms. Patricia held positions as a board member of MUBE from 2016 to 2021, an independent board member of COSAN in 2020, a member of the Advisory Board of Credit Suisse Group from 2022 to 2023, and a board member of Stone from 2022 to 2024. Currently, Ms. Patricia serves as a member of the Audit Committee at J.P. Morgan, an independent member of the Audit Committee at Raízen, a member of the Fiscal Council of the Tomie Ohtake Institute, and a board member of IAC. |
Carlos Elder Marciel de Aquino | Sitting Member | AUG 2026 | 2024 |
Mr. Carlos holds a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), a master’s degree in Accounting and Actuarial Sciences from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), and is pursuing a Ph.D. in Controllership and Accounting at the University of São Paulo (USP). He also holds an MBA in Finance from IBMEC-SP and an MBA in Controllership from USP, in addition to a specialization in Economics Engineering from the Catholic University of Pernambuco (UNICAP-PE). With over 40 years of professional experience, he has held executive roles in companies such as Unibanco, Itaú Unibanco, KPMG, and Diagnósticos da América S.A. He has extensive experience as a member of boards of directors, fiscal councils, audit committees, ethics committees, credit committees, and risk management committees. Currently, he serves as a member of the Board of Directors at LWSA, as well as a member of the Audit Committees of LWSA, Tigre, Tokio Marine Seguradora, Allied Tecnologia, Lojas Quero-Quero, Nibs Participações (Copenhagen), Ebanx, and Fortbras Autopeças. He is also a member of the Fiscal Council at Natura &Co. Mr. Carlos is certified as a board member, fiscal council member, and audit committee member by the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (IBGC). He is a member of the American Accounting Association (AAA) and IBGC, and a guest professor at the Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Contábeis, Atuariais e Financeiras (Fipecafi) and FIA-USP. Additionally, he is the author and co-author of articles published in national and international books and journals on finance, accounting, governance, regulatory aspects, and auditing. |
Strategy and Integration Committee
The Company’s Strategy and Integration Committee is composed of the following members:
Name | Role | Mandate | First Election |
Ruy Kameyama | Coordinator | AUG 2026 | 2024 |
Mr. Ruy Kameyama has a Bachekor of Economics degree from IBMEC-RJ and an MBA from the Harvard Business School. Mr. Ruy Kameyama has extensive experience in the retail and property (shopping malls) industries, mergers and acquisitions, and management of publicly traded companies, having served at BRMalls as CEO (2017-2023), Chief Operations Officer (2008-2017), and M&A Manager (2007). Mr. Ruy Kameyama was also with the new business area at Spoleto Franchising (2005-2006), and with investment bank Dresdner Kleinwort (1998 a 2002). Former member of the Managing Board of Abrasce (Associação Brasileira de Shopping Centers) (2009-2023). Former member of the Board of Directors of Grupo Soma (2023-2024). |
Alexandre Café Birman | Sitting Member | AUG 2026 | 2024 |
Mr. Alexandre Birman has a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from FUMEC at Belo Horizonte and a member of the Owners and President Management Program of the Harvard Business School, Boston, USA. Founder of four brands in the Arezzo&Co Portfolio – Schutz, Alexandre Birman and ALME – Mr. Alexandre Birman has been Arezzo&Co’s CEO since 2013, has over 25 years’ experience in the footwear market, and is responsible for the internationalization of the company’s operations. Mr. Birman was awarded the 2008 Vivian Infantino Emerging Talent Award; Footwear News Achievement category. He was named “Top 10 Designer 2012” by Footwear News; has been a member of the CFDA (Council of Fashion Designers of America) since 2013, and has been named FFANY (Fashion Footwear Association of NY) “Designer of The Year” in 2017. |
Roberto Luiz Jatahy Gonçalves | Sitting Member | AUG 2026 | 2024 |
Mr. Roberto Jatahy has a Bachelor of Economics degree from the Rio de Janeiro Catholic University. Co-founded the Animale brand with Ms. Claudia Jatahy in 1991. In 2010, Mr. Roberto Jatahy ran the acquisition process for Animale’s equity stake in Farm, and led the creation of Companhia Grupo de Moda SOMA, where he has been CEO since 2010. In 2020, he led the IPO for Grupo de Moda SOMA, where he is also a Director and member of the Brands Committee. He is the only Brazilian named in the 2023 Business of Fashion listing. |
Anna Andrea Votta Alves Chaia | Sitting Member | AUG 2026 | 2024 |
Ms. Anna Chaia has a Bachelor of Marketing degree from Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM), with a post-graduate Business Administration degree from Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV). She completed the General Management Program of the Harvard Business School, having been an alumna since 2001, and the corporate Governance Program of Columbia University. She us currently a member of the Retail Committee of Madeira Madeira, an online household goods platform. Since 2019, she has served as a mentor for Endeavor startups in South America, having advised more than 50 companies. She is a member of the Scale-up Panel, which selects potential participant companies for the Acceleration Program. With more than 30 years’ experience, Ms. Anna Chaia was a board member at PuraVida (2020-2022) and Vivara (2019-2024), Samsonite’s CEO for the Mercosur region (2015-2019) and CEO of L’Occitane (2009-2012). She was also formerly with Natura (1997-2004), the Whirlpool Corporation (2004-2006), Swarovski (2007-2009), Unilever (1993-1997) and American Express (1989-1993). Former Director and member of the People and Management Committee of ZAMP (ZAMP3) (holder of the Burger King, Popeyes and Starbucks master franchises in Brazil) in 2020-2023. Independent member of Espaço Laser’s Board of Directors in 2021-2022. |
Pedro Pullen Parente | Sitting Member | AUG 2026 | 2024 |
Mr. Pedro Parente has a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering degree from Brasília University, 1976. He has 53 years of professional experience, 31 of which as federal civil servant and 22 in the private sector. He was COO of Grupo RBS (2003-2009), CEO of Bunge in Brasil (2010-2014), CEO of Petrobras (2018-2018), CEO of BRF (2018-2019) and senior partner at Private Equity Manager EB Capital (2019-2024). As a federal civil servant, he held several positions in economic ministries, including Executive Secretary of the Ministry of FInance (1995- 1998) and Cabinet Member (1999-2002). A former consultant to the International Monetary Fund and public-sector entities in Brazil, including State Bureaus and the National Constitutional Assembly of 1988. He has extensive experience as a member of private- and public-sector companies’ boards of directors, both as a member and as chairman. It is worth emphasizing, as member: Embraer, Itaipu Binacional, Suzano, BMF&Bovespa, Duratex, Kroton, Prumo, and Continental Grain Company. He also chaired the Boards of Directors of B3, CPFL, Petrobras and BRF. Is currently a member of the Global Board of Syngenta, chairman of the Board of Vast-Infraestrutura, chairman of the Board of EB Capital. Also pro-bono chairman of the Board of Directors of Fundação OSESP, which is responsible for managing the São Paulo Symphony. |
People, Remuneration and Sustainability Committee
The current composition of the Company’s People, Remuneration and Sustainability Committee is as follows:
Name | Role | Mandate | First Election |
José Ernesto Beni Bolonha | Coordinator | AUG 2026 | 2024 |
Mr. José Ernesto Bolonha has Bachelor, Licensee and Post-Graduate degrees in Psychology and Business Administration from the São Paulo Catholic University (PUC-SP) and Mackenzie University, with extension courses at the Bowling Green State University (Ohio, USA) and University of Kalamazoo (Michigan, USA). Mr. José Ernesto Bolonha is a guest lecturer at FDC – Fundação Dom Cabral for its Shareholder Development (PDA), Leaders Development (PDL) and Board Members Development (PDC) Programs, and a giest lecturer at St. Paul Business School for its BOard Members Training programs. Member of Insper’s Outside Evaluation Commission and of the Bandeirantes School’s “Strategic Innovation Center”, both in São Paulo. Also a guest lecturer at a Université de Geneve, Freie Universität Berlin, São Paulo University and FGV – Fundação Getulio Vargas. Mr. José Ernesto Bolonha has served as a member of the boards of directors of Vivara (2019-2020), Construtora Conx (2018-2024) and Colégio Santa Cruz (1995-2004). Currently chairs the Board of Directors of Arezzo&Co and holds a seat in the Boards of Directors of Almar – Grupo Martins Tribanco, Grupo Cordeiro, Civi-Co. Founder of “Ethos Sharewoods”, in São Paulo. |
Pedro Pullen Parente | Sitting Member | AUG 2026 | 2024 |
Mr. Pedro Parente has a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering degree from Brasília University, 1976. He has 53 years of professional experience, 31 of which as federal civil servant and 22 in the private sector. He was COO of Grupo RBS (2003-2009), CEO of Bunge in Brasil (2010-2014), CEO of Petrobras (2018-2018), CEO of BRF (2018-2019) and senior partner at Private Equity Manager EB Capital (2019-2024). As a federal civil servant, he held several positions in economic ministries, including Executive Secretary of the Ministry of FInance (1995- 1998) and Cabinet Member (1999-2002). A former consultant to the International Monetary Fund and public-sector entities in Brazil, including State Bureaus and the National Constitutional Assembly of 1988. He has extensive experience as a member of private- and public-sector companies’ boards of directors, both as a member and as chairman. It is worth emphasizing, as member: Embraer, Itaipu Binacional, Suzano, BMF&Bovespa, Duratex, Kroton, Prumo, and Continental Grain Company. He also chaired the Boards of Directors of B3, CPFL, Petrobras and BRF. Is currently a member of the Global Board of Syngenta, chairman of the Board of Vast-Infraestrutura, chairman of the Board of EB Capital. Also pro-bono chairman of the Board of Directors of Fundação OSESP, which is responsible for managing the São Paulo Symphony. |
Sylvia de Souza Leão Wanderley | Sitting Member | AUG 2026 | 2024 |
Ms. Sylvia Leão has a Bachelor of Social Communication Degree and an Executive MBA in Administration from COPPEAD- UFRJ, as well as specialization courses at MIT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology – Sloan School of Management, the London Business School, and Fundação Dom Cabral. Ms. Sylvia Leão has been in the retail market for more than 30 years, having served at Walmart Brasil (1995-1999), Grupo Pão de Açúcar (2000-2012) and Carrefour (2015-2018), where she served as VP in the Marketing, Commercial, Operations and Human Resources areas. She was also VP of Marketing and Innovation at BRF (2013-2014). Ms. Sylvia Leão was a member of the Boards of Directors of Vivara (2020-2023), of Grupo Baumgart (2020-2023), of JSL (2022-2024). Ms. Sylvia Leão has been a member of the Board of Directors of RD Saúde (Raia Drogasil) since 2020, where she also heads the People Committee and is a member of the Strategy, Sustainability, and Audit/Risks Committees. She has also been a member of the Board of Directors and the head of the People and Organizational Development Committee of Química Amparo Ltda (YPE) since 2021. Currently a member of the Boards of Directors of Petz and of Grupo Moura Baterias. |
Alexandre Café Birman | Sitting Member | AUG 2026 | 2024 |
Mr. Alexandre Birman has a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from FUMEC at Belo Horizonte and a member of the Owners and President Management Program of the Harvard Business School, Boston, USA. Founder of four brands in the Arezzo&Co Portfolio – Schutz, Alexandre Birman and ALME – Mr. Alexandre Birman has been Arezzo&Co’s CEO since 2013, has over 25 years’ experience in the footwear market, and is responsible for the internationalization of the company’s operations. Mr. Birman was awarded the 2008 Vivian Infantino Emerging Talent Award; Footwear News Achievement category. He was named “Top 10 Designer 2012” by Footwear News; has been a member of the CFDA (Council of Fashion Designers of America) since 2013, and has been named FFANY (Fashion Footwear Association of NY) “Designer of The Year” in 2017. |
Roberto Luiz Jatahy Gonçalves | Sitting Member | AUG 2026 | 2024 |
Mr. Roberto Jatahy has a Bachelor of Economics degree from the Rio de Janeiro Catholic University. Co-founded the Animale brand with Ms. Claudia Jatahy in 1991. In 2010, Mr. Roberto Jatahy ran the acquisition process for Animale’s equity stake in Farm, and led the creation of Companhia Grupo de Moda SOMA, where he has been CEO since 2010. In 2020, he led the IPO for Grupo de Moda SOMA, where he is also a Director and member of the Brands Committee. He is the only Brazilian named in the 2023 Business of Fashion listing. |