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Income Report

The registrar bank for AZZAS 2154 shares is Banco Itaú. Information on position and transaction statements related to assets held in Itaú’s book-entry custody is available on the Digital Correspondence Portal.


For account holders, this information will be available on the bankline through the following route:

  • Directly via the website www.itau.com.br, in the menu Current Account > Income Tax Statement > Shareholder Income Report.
  • Uniclass: Directly via the website www.itau.com.br, enter “IR” in the search bar – enter the access token and select the year.
  • For non-account holders, the information is available on the Digital Correspondence Portal.


To register and access the Digital Correspondence Portal for the first time, follow these steps:

1 – Visit www.correspondenciasdigitais.com.br and click on “First Access”;

2 – Enter your CPF and date of birth (for individuals) or CNPJ and date of incorporation (for legal entities);

3 – Choose an option to verify your identity (phone number or email). If your phone number or email is not listed, call 0800 720 5299 (Customer Service Center available exclusively during the Income Report declaration period) or the Investor Service Center at 3003 9285 (for capitals and metropolitan regions) / 0800 720 9285 (for other locations, on business days from 9 AM to 6 PM);

4 – Enter the code received via email and/or phone and create your personal password;

5 – Now, log in with your CPF/CNPJ and newly created password to access your documents. The Income Reports will be available in the “My Reports” folder under “2025”.


Itaú Contact Information:

0800 720 5299 – Exclusive Customer Service Center during the Income Report declaration period.

(11) 3003 9285 (WhatsApp) – To check the status of a process, Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 6 PM, and 24-hour Virtual Assistant.

3003 9285 (Capitals and Metropolitan Regions)

0800 720 9285 (Other Locations)